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Once we made our decision to raise sheep, we were faced with the prospect of choosing amongst the hundreds of different breeds and classifications.  We were looking for a wool breed, since we weren't sure about the meat marketing aspect of shepherding, but we are, at best, pragmatists and knew that we must make some concessions to the realities of farm life.   Ease of management was also a priority, since we both made our livings doing things other than farming.   We finally chose a small flock of Registered Rambouillet sheep for their fine, wear-next-to-your-skin wool, their great size and desirability at market, and their tendency to lamb easily and mother without intervention.

Our Rambouillet came with a rich history, steeped in legend and conquest, and are the only breed which can claim uninterrupted bloodlines for over 200 years.  Click here to read more about the history of the Rambouillet breed and why they are an excellent choice for the small shepherd.

Breed Stock and Market Lambs

We have no lambs at this time.  Check again during spring/summer 2006

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